We offer inclusion support to anyone with a disability or anyone who needs support to join any of our programs.

Apply for an inclusion membership

On this page:

  1. Inclusion support options
  2. Apply for an inclusion membership
  3. Support for city programs
  4. Support for summer camps
  5. Program expectations
  6. Program readiness
  7. Personal support workers
  8. Become an inclusion support volunteer

Inclusion support options

We will work with you to find the best accommodation, through these methods:

  • program adaptations
  • 1:1 support
  • other means of assistance

We also welcome support through:

1:1 support

These groups may provide 1:1 inclusion support at no extra cost:

  • trained inclusion support worker
  • additional program staff
  • inclusion support volunteer

1:1 support can include:

  • program adaptations
  • redirection for safety reasons
  • allow for opportunities for sensory or emotional breaks
  • help with personal care

To request 1:1 support, please ensure that you have an inclusion membership.

Apply for an inclusion membership

If you're looking for inclusion support, please apply for an inclusion membership. By setting up a membership, you'll also be creating a profile that you can access at any time.

Some benefits of setting up an inclusion membership are:

  • you only need to share your information once
  • we can learn more about you and how we can best support you ahead of time
  • stay informed about inclusive program options, including registration dates and steps
  • you can login and update your information at any time

Fill out the form as the person who needs inclusion support.

  • if you’re applying for yourself, use your name and contact information
  • if you’re applying for someone else, use their name and contact information

Apply for an inclusion membership

After we review and approve your application, we will add an inclusion membership to the applicant’s ActiveNet account. This process usually takes between five and 10 business days.

The information you share is confidential. We will only share this information with staff working directly with the individual. With your unique login information, you can update the information you provide at any time.

If you have any questions during the application process, call us at 519-904-5793. Our office hours at Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Support for city programs

Once your inclusion membership has been applied to your ActiveNet account, please:

  1. register into a program on ActiveNet that meets the needs, hobbies and interests of the participant
  2. call 519-904-5793 to request support

With an inclusion membership, you can register for programs in Kitchener and Waterloo, including:

  • swimming lessons
  • dance classes
  • art classes
  • music lessons

Use these links to find a program in Kitchener or Waterloo:

Use your membership

To request support for a City of Kitchener or City of Waterloo program using your inclusion membership, please call 519-904-5793.

Support for summer camps

If you have a child with a disability or special needs, consider a City of Kitchener or City of Waterloo summer camp. Our support staff will help make your camper’s summer fun and safe.

You can register your child for up to two weeks of summer camp inclusion support each year, based on availability.

Find more information on summer camps using these links:

To request inclusion support for summer camp, follow these steps:

  1. apply for inclusion support if you don't have one
  2. login to your ActiveNet account or register in person
  3. register for the inclusion support program for the week you want to send your child to camp (up to two weeks each summer if available)
  4. if the support week is full, choose another week or join the waitlist
  5. register for the camp you need support for

By registering for the inclusion support program on ActiveNet, you're letting us know that you need support for a camp program. We'll contact you before the program starts to discuss our support plan.

When you're registering online, make sure the support session matches your intended program session. If the support session is full, you can register for the waitlist.

Note: registering for inclusion support alone does not register your child in camp. You must register for both inclusion support and camp for the same week.

Important dates

Kitchener summer camps

Registration for City of Kitchener neighbourhood summer camps will open on Tuesday, March 21 at 8:30 a.m.

You can register for Kitchener summer camps:

Waterloo summer camps

Registration for City of Waterloo summer camps will open on Wednesday, March 8 at 8:30 a.m.

You can register for Waterloo summer camps:

If you have questions about City of Waterloo camps, send them an email.

Next steps

After you register for inclusion support, our staff will follow up with you to confirm the support details.

Closer to the program start date, you’ll get a phone call from our support staff. If you want, you can ask to set up a meet and greet before the first day of camp.

We will send out a welcome package to all campers before the summer begins.

If you are on a waitlist and a spot becomes available, staff will contact you.

Terms and conditions
  • All individuals requiring support in a program must apply for an inclusion membership first. The inclusion membership is a pre-requisite for registration into the inclusion support program.
  • Support by a staff or volunteer is available in a 1:1, 2:1 or 3:1 participant to staff ratio, depending on needs.
  • Accommodations may include access to specialized equipment and assistive devices, program and activity modifications, or personal support from a trained staff person or a volunteer.
  • To be eligible for support, the participant must be "program ready," and willing and able to take part (with accommodation, if required).
  • For fall, winter and spring programs: support is contingent on staff availability. Requests must be received at least two weeks in advance of the program start date.
  • For summer camp: support staff may be supplied for summer camp for up to two weeks (contingent on availability). Evening and weekend support are limited in the summer months.
  • If your program plans change, please contact us at 519-904-5793 immediately. Although every effort will be made to help you, we cannot guarantee support will be available if the dates of your original request are changed.

Program expectations

We are committed to giving everyone a safe, active and fun program. We play fair and show respect for ourselves and for others.

Our program expectations include:

  1. keep your hands and feet to yourself
  2. speak nicely to each other
  3. touch only what belongs to you
  4. stay within the activity area
  5. listen to your leaders

Program readiness

All participants must be program ready. To be program ready, a participant must be able to:

  • take direction and instruction from a staff person
  • interact and participate within the program environment (based on the camper’s abilities)
  • interact and participate in a way that is safe for themselves and others
  • attend school successfully (if school-aged)

Our staff are trained in behaviour management techniques that will help participants to follow program expectations to the best of their ability.

Inclusion staff are trained in Non Violent Crisis Intervention, which includes instruction on calming techniques, verbal de-escalation techniques and safe restraints. If a participant is causing harm to anyone - including themselves, or engaging in unsafe behaviour, we may need to intervene by holding the participant. 

If a participant is not showing that they are program ready, they may be removed from the program.

Personal support workers

If you provide your own personal support worker, you must indicate this when you register and fill out our Support Worker Agreement:

Complete a Personal Support Worker agreement

Support worker responsibilities

Personal Support Workers will be responsible for the following:

  • Will keep my participant within the program boundaries
  • With proper accommodation, will ensure the participation of my participant in program activities
  • Will take part fully in the scheduled program activities (Note: where my participant is withdrawn from an activity, the program leaders must be notified)
  • Shall encourage my participant to follow the five general behaviour guidelines;
    • Keep your hands and feet to yourself
    • Speak nicely/positively to each other
    • Touch only what belongs to you
    • Stay within the activity area
    • Listen to the leaders/instructors
  • Shall support an adhere to the behaviour management plan for the Program
  • Shall be familiar with and adhere to Program policies related to confidentiality, suspicion of child abuse/neglect and dispensing of medication
  • Shall give input to the leaders. Support Workers shall not supervise the other children or the program but where the Support Worker sees a situation which requires attention the Support Worker shall discuss it with the leaders.
  • In case of an emergency shall follow the instructions of the program leaders. Please Note: Even if the Support Worker is a close family member, please follow all of the above to ensure smooth program operation.
Parent and guardian responsibilities

When providing a Private Support Worker, Parents/Guardians will be responsible for:

  • Advising the Support Worker of their responsibilities
  • Providing a Support Worker who is at least 15 years of age or older
  • Ensuring the Support Worker follows the Support Worker Responsibilities, as listed above.
  • Respond promptly to any concerns expressed by Program leaders with respect to the Support Worker
  • Aware that in the event that the Support Worker does not fulfill their responsibilities, the participant may be refused ongoing participation in the Program at the sole and absolute discretion of the Program Supervisor.

Please contact Inclusion Services for more information at 519-904-5793. 

Become an inclusion support volunteer

Get experience, build skills and do something meaningful by becoming an inclusion support volunteer!

As a volunteer, you’ll give one-on-one support to a person with a disability who wants assistance taking part in a city program. The person can be any age and may want support in any kind of activity from swimming lessons to summer camps.

We need volunteers to support participants in daytime, evening and weekend programs. You can choose to support on different days depending on your schedule.

Apply online to become a volunteer. After we review your application, we’ll ask you to book an interview to share more information and learn more about you.

If you have any questions, send us an email or call 519-741-2200 ext. 7228.