There are lots of ways to have a positive impact on your community. You can find a way to volunteer with the city and other resources on this page.

On this page:

  1. Current opportunities
  2. Youth volunteer opportunities
  3. Organize a community clean-up
  4. Brighten the day for your neighbours
  5. Get more involved in your neighbourhood
  6. Other ways to make an impact
  7. Volunteer with a local agency

 Current opportunities

  • none at this time

Youth volunteer opportunities

Do you know a young person looking for volunteer hours? Check out these opportunities:

For any questions about BYLD, Youth Crew or KYAC, please send us an email.

Organize a community clean-up

Organize your own community clean-up of a local park, public space, or trail. If your clean-up is in April, register online to get free supplies from your local community centre!

Community clean-ups bring people together for a common cause: cleaning up our community. They provide an opportunity to see how a small act for a short time can have a great impact. When people get involved in cleaning their neighbourhoods, parks and open spaces, they are less likely to litter and more likely to keep it clean.

Brighten the day for your neighbours

Consider simple ways you can make a positive contribution to your neighbourhood, like:

  • helping neighbours bring in their trash or recycling bins
  • dropping off positive cards or notes
  • arranging to have a meal delivered to someone’s home
  • keeping your property neat and attractive
  • recognize a garden that you think makes Kitchener a greener, more vibrant or sustainable place to live by submitting the address for a Kitchener in Bloom award

Get more involved in your neighbourhood

Check out the What's in my Neighbourhood? map, reach out to a nearby community centre to find out which neighbourhood association is active in your area and ask if they’re looking for volunteers, or take some time to connect with your neighbour and start planning a neighbourhood project with the help of a neighourhood liaison.

You could also get to know your neighbours better by organizing a virtual, or outdoor gathering.

Other ways to make an impact

Open the accordions below to find other ways to make a positive impact in your community.

Donate items you no longer need or use

As a household, sort through toys, books, clothes, linens, and other items from your home. Local organizations that will accept clean items in good repair include Thrift on Kent and Worth a Second Look. If you want to share your books with others in your neighbourhood, consider placing them in a Little Library.

Donate items to a local organization

Many agencies and community organizations keep yearly or seasonal wish lists of products and items that help their clients in their daily lives or just help the agency to run more smoothly, for example:

Donate food and pantry items to a community fridge

“Take what you need. Leave what you can.”

Did you know Community Fridge KW is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week outside the Kitchener Market (300 King Street East, Kitchener)? Donations of fresh produce and non-perishable food items can be dropped off, or picked up, anytime. 519 Nourish Community Fridge is also accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 150 Roger Street in Waterloo.

Recognize a deserving neighbour

Do you have a good neighbour? Nominate them for the Good Neighbour recognition program so they know their efforts are appreciated! You can nominate a Kitchener resident, group, business, or organization who makes your neighbourhood a better place to live. You will receive a thank you card signed by the mayor and a member of council to give to your neighbour. Nominees will also be entered into a bi-monthly draw to win great prizes. Find information about other City of Kitchener awards and recognition opportunities on our website.

Volunteer with a local agency

If you’re looking to make a positive impact over a longer period of time, you may want to consider volunteering to help a local organization. Visit the Volunteer Waterloo Region website to see what in-person and virtual volunteer opportunities are available.