Please note that the information on this page is no longer up-to-date and remains available for reference purposes. For the latest project updates, please visit our Growing Together Engage Kitchener page.
We’re working to make sure that the area around each ION station stop is well planned and prepared to accommodate future growth and development in the most appropriate locations.
On this page:
Phase 1
The first phase of the Planning Around Rapid Transit (PARTS) project included:
- identifying study areas
- gathering data on the existing conditions in each area
- setting goals to help us create station study area plans
- prioritizing the next phases of work
More information is available here:
- 2013 Staff Report
- map of recommended station study areas
- recommended work program
- project plan and background report
- existing conditions and background information
Send us an email to download copies of these documents.
Phase 2
The purpose of Phase 2 was to lay some groundwork for the future station study areas and to provide some direction for our review of development applications in advance of the PARTS Plans being completed. Before we started the detailed planning exercise for each station area, our staff:
- provided interim direction, which was incorporated into our 2014 Official Plan
- developed a communications and engagement strategy
- added new guidelines to our urban design manual
- analyzed the sanitary sewer capacity to help us understand future impacts
- prepared a transportation demand management study
Send us an email to download copies of these documents.