Our Building Youth Leadership Development (BYLD) gives young people aged 12 to 15 the opportunity to learn leadership skills, responsibility and self-confidence.
Registration will open on March 18 for Kitchener residents and March 25 for non-Kitchener residents.
On this page:
Program information
The BYLD program has two components:
Orientation and training
- Wednesday, June 4, from 4:30pm to 8:30 p.m. at Rockway Centre (new BYLDs)
- Thursday, June 5, from 4:30pm to 8:30 p.m. at Rockway Centre (for returning BYLDs)
- Saturday, June 7 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Forest Heights Community Centre (for both new and returning BYLDs)
The BYLD workshops and interactive sessions will include
- enhancing communications skills
- developing leadership abilities
- planning and facilitating programs and activities
- building effective teams
- learning the importance of inclusion and disabilities
- gaining conflict resolution skills
- and many more essential leadership skills!
Please note: Training is a mandatory part of the program. BYLD participants will not be able to participate in the hands-on learning placement component of the program if they miss any training. There are no make-up dates.
Hands-on learning placement
After completing orientation and training, BYLD participants have the option of signing up to put their training into action at a City of Kitchener neighbourhood camp for two consecutive weeks. At orientation, we'll ask participants to fill out a placement preference request form with over 20 site options.
Did you know that you can earn your high school community service hours through the BYLD program? Additionally, your BYLD training and experience can be added to your resume!
If you have any questions about the current and/or upcoming BYLD programs please connect with us by email or 519-783-8527