Showcasing community arts and culture, the Berlin Tower ARTSPACE is home to a variety of exhibits annually, including work by the emerging local artists and community groups. 

On this page:

  1. Location
  2. Hours
  3. Exhibition schedule
  4. Apply to exhibit
  5. Photo gallery
  6. Updates


The Berlin Tower ARTSPACE is located on the ground floor of Kitchener City Hall.

Address: 200 King Street West, Kitchener, ON


The Berlin Tower ARTSPACE is open:

  • Monday to Friday: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
  • weekends and holidays: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Exhibition schedule

The Berlin Tower Artspace features exhibits of work by local visual artists and community organizations.

Open the accordions below to learn about the artists with exhibits in 2025.

January and February - Essey Fitsum Weldeslassie

Essey’s work has been deeply influenced by his experiences living as a refugee in Ethiopia for five years before moving to Canada. He talks about the concept of transition: focusing on the time spent waiting for change while in Ethiopia. He uses the metaphor of a tunnel in his paintings, to represent this period of transition. Unlike a bridge, which offers a clear view of the surroundings, a tunnel conveys a sense of isolation and uncertainty.

Explore Essey’s work

March and April - Taryn Ferrede Alqassis

More information on this artist will be added closer to the exhibit date. Subscribe to this page to be notified by email when more information is added.

May – Reception House: New Canadian Art Program (Youth Exhibit)

More information on this artist will be added closer to the exhibit date. Subscribe to this page to be notified by email when more information is added.


More information on this artist will be added closer to the exhibit date. Subscribe to this page to be notified by email when more information is added.

July and August - Zachary Gucci Razal

More information on this artist will be added closer to the exhibit date. Subscribe to this page to be notified by email when more information is added.

September and October - Sumaira Tazeen

More information on this artist will be added closer to the exhibit date. Subscribe to this page to be notified by email when more information is added.

November and December - Sharl G. Smith

More information on this artist will be added closer to the exhibit date. Subscribe to this page to be notified by email when more information is added.

Apply to exhibit

The exhibition schedule is full for 2026 and the intake is currently on hold as the program is under review. Please subscribe to this page to receive updates on the Berlin Tower ARTSPACE. 

Photo gallery

Check out the photo gallery below to see photos of the Berlin Tower ARTSPACE.

Photo Gallery: Berlin Tower ARTSPACE will appear here on the public site.


To get updates on upcoming exhibitions and events, please sign up for the Kitchener Arts newsletter.