You could qualify for a yearly amount of $400 per person in Leisure Access fee assistance. Learn how to use your Leisure Access funds below.
On this page:
- Using your funds
- Our funding year
- Login to ActiveNet
- Check your Leisure Access balance
- Apply for Leisure Access
Using your funds
You can use Leisure Access to pay for:
- swimming lessons for adults and children
- March Break and summer camps
- aquatic leadership program
- swim tickets and passes at city pools
- BYLD (Building Youth Leadership Development)
- golf lessons, tee times, memberships and carts (fill out our request form or call 519-741-2200, ext. 7228)
- leisure and older adult programs
- neighbourhood association programs
- Kitchener Market classes
- public skating at Lions Arena and Grand River Arena (get tickets at The Aud)
- gymnasium tickets at Breithaupt Centre or Downtown Community Centre
- if your program isn't listed, learn how to check if a program is covered by Leisure Access
You can also use your funds to pay for a Kitchener Group Card, giving you unlimited access to ongoing groups at Downtown Community Centre, Rockway Centre and Breithaupt Centre. Contact a community centre to get started.
You cannot use Leisure Access to pay for:
- minor sport organizations (examples: hockey, soccer, gymnastics, baseball)
- contact the minor sport organization, as they may offer their own fee assistance options
If you don't want to use your Leisure Access funds to pay for a program, please call 519-741-2907 (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.) for an override.
Our funding year
We accept applications all year, but our funding year runs from November 1 to October 31.
Your Leisure Access usage is based on the transaction date (not the program date), which means that if you register for a program before October 31, you can use your Leisure Access funds to register for a program after November 1. You can use your Leisure Access funds to pay for city-run programs (see full list).
Funding is based on council approval, budget availability and resident demand.
Login to ActiveNet
After you're approved for Leisure Access, please do not create a new ActiveNet account. Your existing account will have the funds assigned to you.
To login to ActiveNet, follow these steps:
- open ActiveNet
- sign in with your email address and password
- if you don't know your password, click on "forgot password" and enter the email address you used in your Leisure Access application
Visit our ActiveNet questions page to find answers to common questions.
To make the most of the ActiveNet search, watch this how-to video.
Check your Leisure Access balance
To check your Leisure Access balance, follow these steps:
- login to ActiveNet
- click on "My Account"
- click on "Scholarship (Leisure Access) List" and look below the payment and order management sections to find your Leisure Access balance
- to see other family members' funds, click on your name in this section and choose another name from the menu that appears
Apply for Leisure Access
Visit our Leisure Access (fee assistance) page to find:
- qualifications
- what you need to apply
- application
- after you apply
- Canadian Tire Jumpstart program
- frequently asked questions