For areas with significant tree cover, we offer curbside loose leaf collection on a set schedule.

Enter your address below to find the leaf collection options for your area.

How to rake leaves during curbside leaf collection

  • rake your leaves to the roadside by 7 a.m. on the first day of your scheduled pick-up week
  • don’t rake your leaves onto the road earlier than the weekend before the first day of your scheduled pick-up week
  • don’t rake or pile leaves onto catch basins. If you notice a blocked catch basin, call 519 741-2345

We divide Kitchener into zones that determine whether or not curbside loose leaf collection is available in your area. Your options for disposing of leaves are outlined below:

ZoneOptions for disposing of your leavesLeaves collected at curb?How often will loose leaves be collected?

Hot spot/multiple leaf pick-up area (red area on the map)

  1. Mulching or composting on your property
  2. Use a drop-off site
  3. Loose leaf collection


As often as required to make sure leaves do not create safety hazards on the roadways.

Coloured zone (other than red)

  1. Mulching or composting on your property
  2. Use a drop-off site
  3. Loose leaf collection


One time during November.

Find out when collection is in your area by entering your address above.

The leaves must be at the curbside by 7 a.m. on the first day of the week that they are scheduled for pick-up.

Outside the coloured zones

  1. Mulching or composting on your property
  2. Use a drop-off site
  3. Bag for collection under the Region of Waterloo's yard waste program


There is no curbside loose leaf collection. Street sweeping occurs as routine road maintenance.

Staff monitor the hot spots during the months of October and November and pick up leaves as needed in these heavily forested areas.