The Ontario Fire Code requires a fire safety plan for certain types of buildings. These plans make sure your building has the necessary systems to keep your building and its occupants safe.

On this page:

  1. Buildings that need a fire safety plan
  2. Create a fire safety plan

Buildings that need a fire safety plan

Fire safety plans are required for the buildings and spaces listed below.

  • hospitals and health care facilities
  • nursing homes and children’s custodial homes for more than three people
  • residences with more than 10 occupants
  • offices with more than 300 occupants
  • stores and businesses with more than 300 occupants
  • four-storey or taller buildings
  • boarding, lodging and rooming houses
  • recreational camps regulated under the Health Protection and Promotion Act

Assembly occupancies, which may include:

  • places of worship
  • restaurants
  • shopping malls
  • nightclubs
  • theatres
  • assembly halls

Industrial buildings:

  • high hazard with more than 25 occupants
  • medium hazard with more than 100 occupants
  • low hazard with more than 300 occupants

A detailed definition of an assembly occupancy is available on the National Fire Prevention Association’s website.

Potentially dangerous spaces:

  • properties containing more than 500 litres of flammable and combustible liquids
  • properties containing more than 250 litres of Class I liquids
  • laboratories

Outdoor spaces:

  • Outdoor tire storage yards

Create a fire safety plan

To create a fire safety plan:

Send us an email if you have any questions.