Make your MyKitchener experience even better by adding your address. When you add your address, many widgets will automatically display information about city facilities and events near you, your waste and leaf collection dates, and more. Learn how to add one or more addresses to your MyKitchener account.

If you need help, call us 24/7 at 519-741-2345.

Go to MyKitchener

On this page:

  1. Add an address
  2. Remove an address
  3. Switch between addresses

Add an address

Adding an address to your account is optional. If you add an address, many widgets will automatically display information about facilities and events near you.

  1. Click on your profile icon (upper right corner)
  2. Click on "Account"
  3. Under the "Property" tab, click "Add property" or "Add another property"
  4. Enter the details of the property:
    • The property name is optional. You can use it to identify between properties on your account (e.g. Home, Rental, Mom’s house)
    • Enter the first letter of your street name in the street name box. Choose your street name from the dropdown menu.
    • Select your house number and unit number from the dropdown menus
    • Click "Add"

You can click on the City of Kitchener logo to return to your dashboard.

Remove an address

  1. Click on your profile icon (upper right corner)
  2. Click on "Account"
  3. Under the "Property" tab:
    • Click ‘Remove property’ under the property you would like to remove
    • Click ‘Save’

You can click on the City of Kitchener logo to return to your dashboard.

Switch between addresses

The widgets on your dashboard will display information related to the address shown in the upper right corner of your dashboard, including events, road closures, and facilities.

If you have more than one address on your MyKitchener account, you can switch between addresses to view information about each address.

  1. Click "Switch property" under the address (upper right corner)
  2. Click on the address you want to see content for
  3. Click "Save"

You can click on the City of Kitchener logo to return to your dashboard.