Every year we complete transportation projects big and small to make sure everyone can get around. Whether you’re using four wheels, two wheels or none we want everyone to move through our community safely and on time.
See our map of transportation initiatives
On this page:
Vision Zero
A vision zero plan is an action plan focused on reducing traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries. We are working with agency partners and residents to understand where we can improve as a city.
Please visit the Vision Zero webpage for more information.
Complete Streets
There are many ways of getting around in Kitchener, and we are committed to providing you with people-friendly transportation options, through a Complete Streets approach to street design.
Complete streets are safe, comfortable and convenient for all forms of transportation, and all ages and abilities. Complete streets also contribute to advancing sustainability, health, and economic development goals.
Whether you're walking, cycling, taking public transit or driving, you have options for getting around.
Learn more about Kitchener's Complete Streets approach:
40 km/h neighbourhood speed limit
We often hear from residents that they’re concerned about speeding in their neighbourhoods. Lower speed limits are shown to reduce the likelihood that vehicle collisions result in serious injury or death. That’s why we’re lowering speed limits from 50 km/h to 40 km/h in Kitchener’s residential neighbourhoods.
Neighbourhoods will be converted to the lower speed limit by the end of 2024. The lower speed limit will come into effect in a given neighbourhood when “gateway” signs are installed at the entrances and exits to the neighbourhood, indicating to drivers that they are entering or exiting a lower speed limit area. School zones and neighbourhood bikeways will be reduced to 30 km/h.
Major city roads and all regional roads will remain at 50 km/h.
Bike infrastructure
Across Kitchener, you’ll find different types of bike infrastructure. All projects are guided by our Cycling and Trails Master Plan, which focuses on creating a city-wide network of cycling routes and trails that is comfortable for people of “All Ages and Abilities.”
To learn more, visit our bike infrastructure page.