The City of Kitchener is growing, and a lot of that growth is happening in the areas around the ION LRT system. Building up around transit is a core principle of Ontario’s planning framework. Our Growing Together project will update the planning framework for these areas, known as Major Transit Station Areas, enabling and encouraging responsible growth for the future.

Learn more on Engage Kitchener

  1. About the project
  2. Get involved
  3. Neighbourhood planning reviews

About the project

Growing Together will update the planning framework for Kitchener's Major Transit Station Areas (MTSAs) through land use policies and zoning regulations. This will ensure that our growing MTSAs can continue to grow responsibly for many years to come. 

The Growing Together project builds upon previous work done with the community (through the PARTS and Neighbourhood Planning Review projects) while also responding to new direction from the province, implementing the updated Regional Official Plan, and addressing new and emerging city priorities.

Kitchener’s MTSAs are defined by the Region of Waterloo and are subject to new policies at both the provincial and regional level. Growing Together will implement these policies and help us create a city for everyone.

Get involved

We're hosting a series of casual events that explore, in a hands-on way, how growth and change are happening in our community.

Look for us around Kitchener, whether you're at the library picking up a book or at a community centre for a program. Visit our Engage Kitchener page to find an event.

Learn more on Engage Kitchener

Neighbourhood planning reviews

The Growing Together project is the continuation of our ongoing planning review process that began with PARTS and advanced through the Neighbourhood Planning Review (NPR) project.

Learn more about these projects: