Our Cycling & Trails Master Plan is a catalyst for building a city where people willingly and joyfully choose active transportation for recreation and getting around. With a focus on planning and designing for “all ages and abilities,” we are making it safer and more comfortable for everyone to get out walking, rolling and cycling.
We've also prepared individual strategies for implementing the plan and achieving each of its three goals:
- implementation strategy
- strategy for providing a safe and high quality experience
- strategy for building connections
- strategy for creating a culture of active living
As of September 2023, we've made progress on 24 of the 35 actions identified in the Cycling and Trails Master Plan, including preparing education campaigns for pedestrian crossovers and safe cycling.
Send us an email to download a copy of these documents.
The project team would like to thank everyone that took the time to provide their feedback, your input was invaluable in developing the strategy. We've summarized that feedback in our engagement report.