Encroachment can cause damage to city property, including our parks, natural areas and stormwater facilities. Help us protect our city by not encroaching on our land.
On this page:
When you own a property, you have a land title showing the boundary lines that divide your property from adjacent land.
If an adjacent property owner places any object - such as landscaping items, a shed, deck, pool, fence or trampoline - past the boundary line and onto your property without your permission, it's considered an encroachment.
Our land works the same way. If objects are placed on city-owned land without our permission, it's considered an illegal offence.
Potential damage
Encroachment can cause damage. Piles of debris and gardens can attract small animals and rodents, introduce new invasive species to parkland, and leak elements, like phosphorous and nitrogen, from fertilizers and detergents.
Common examples of encroachment on our land include:
- dumping yard waste
- removing vegetation
- planting or maintaining gardens, trees and other landscaping
- building a shed, fence, play structure, composter etc.
- stored items and materials
- removing vegetation in a natural area and sodding with grass
- heavy equipment without a permit
Please refrain from all of these activities on city-owned land.