You can apply for a noise exemption for:

  • barbecues, weddings or other parties with excessive noise
  • concerts or events that include alcohol

Our noise bylaw is in effect 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can learn more on our noise complaints and exemptions page.

Barbecues, weddings or other parties
How to apply for a noise exemption for barbecues, weddings or other parties with excessive noise.
Internet-connected device.
Apply for a noise exemption
Use our online form to request a noise exemption. You will need to include these details:
  • your name, address and contact information
  • name of your event
  • event contact information
  • location
  • date and time of your event
  • expected attendance

Submit the form and wait for staff to review your response. Allow for between seven and 10 business days for processing.

Bylaw reviews your application

After you submit the form, we will review your application.

If we approve your exemption, you will get a permit number by email. If we have questions about your application, we will contact you.

Concerts or events that include alcohol
How to apply for a noise exemption for concerts or events that include alcohol.
Internet-connected device. 
Email the director of bylaw
At least three months before your event, you must email the director of bylaw with this information:
  • your contact information
  • event location
  • date and time of your event
  • the equipment you will use (speakers, screens, etc.)
  • type of event
  • type of noise expected
  • number of attendees
  • any other information needed to create a report for council
Report goes to council
The director of bylaw will present a report to city council for approval.

If council approves the report, you can move forward with the event.

If council asks for changes, you must agree to the changes before moving ahead with the event.