Before the key issues that affect our community go before city council for decision, they must first go through one our standing committees.

On this page:

  1. About standing committees
  2. Community and infrastructure services
  3. Planning and strategic initiatives
  4. Finance and corporate services

About standing committees

Each standing committee includes all members of city council, who debate reports on matters that relate to the management and operation of the city's departments.

To help our standing committees in making informed decisions, citizen committees meet regularly to give advice and feedback on a variety of local issues.

Recommendations derived from standing-committee meetings are submitted for approval at the next city council meeting.

Community and infrastructure services

Considers operational issues in our community services and infrastructure services departments, including issues affecting programs and services, such as roads, recreation, parks and community centres.

Planning and strategic initiatives

Considers all planning matters that require public hearings, and major strategic initiatives including oversight of our growth management strategy.

Finance and corporate services

Considers operational issues in the financial services and corporate services departments, budget, and other services related to the Municipal Code, such as licensing matters.