City council and our three standing committees, which are made up of city council members, make the necessary decisions to move projects forward and resolve issues that affect our community.

On this page:

  1. Standing committee meeting
  2. City council meeting
  3. Attend a meeting
  4. Register as a delegation
  5. Watch a meeting
  6. 2023-2026 city council

Standing committee meeting

Staff prepare an issue report that includes context and recommendations to the standing committee most closely related to the matter at hand.

Councillors use standing committee meetings to discuss an issue, and either adopt, amend, defeat or defer the related recommendations.

Our standing committees are:

  • community and infrastructure services committee
  • planning and strategic initiatives committee
  • finance and corporate services committee

City council meeting

After a standing committee meeting, staff summarize the decision made by the committee and submit the report to city council for final resolution at their next meeting.

City council is also responsible for making decisions on other matters, including bylaws, and receiving presentations and delegations.

Attend a meeting

Standing committee and city council meetings are open to the public, and meeting agendas and minutes are available ahead of time.

Register as a delegation

If you want to address a committee or city council during a meeting, you can register as a delegation.

Watch a meeting

We livestream meetings on our website. You can watch a live meeting or a past meeting.

Rogers TV also regularly broadcasts council meetings. Past council meetings are posted on their website.

2023-2026 city council

Photo of the mayor and city councillors at city hall

Learn about each member of city council: