We use different methods to get information to residents, including two city publications. Active Kitchener and Kitchener Life are delivered to homes throughout the city, with an audience of over 65,000 households. Advertising in one of our publications will get your business into your customers’ homes.

Book an ad

On this page:

  1. Active Kitchener
  2. Kitchener Life

Active Kitchener

Our program and activities guide, Active Kitchener, helps residents find activities in their neighbourhood and get involved in the community.

We deliver Active Kitchener four times a year to over 65,000 homes in Kitchener. If you get the Waterloo Region Record, you can find a copy in seasonal flyer inserts.

Important dates

  • ads due for spring issue: January 14, 2025
  • distribution of spring issue: March 6, 2025

Order an ad online

  1. click on THE AD RATES AND ONLINE ORDERING tab above.
  2. find the size of ad you would like to order and click on the ORDER link.
  3. click on the green ENROLL NOW button.
  4. either sign in using your existing Active Kitchener login or join to create an account. Please use a generic business email to register for an account.
  5. complete the following:
    1. select participant
    2. select which section of our catalogue you would like your ad to appear
    3. if you would like to repeat a previous ad, and from which issue (if applicable)
    4. add any additional notes (if applicable)
    5. then click the green ADD TO CART button
  6. check the waiver acknowledgement box to confirm you have read and agree to Waiver. Note, this is a standard waiver used for program registration and is not applicable to your ad purchase. Because we are using a program registration tool for another purpose, we cannot remove this waiver.
  7. please enter your coupon code if applicable (HST exempt, etc.) then click Apply
  8. review order, then click the green CHECK OUT button.
  9. enter your credit card information, then click the green PAY button.
  10. choose to VIEW OR PRINT RECEIPT to see transaction receipt. You will also be emailed a copy of your receipt.
  11. once your order is complete and paid, email your ad to active@kitchener.ca 

Ad rates

We offer two rate scales:

  • registered non-profits
  • for-profit businesses

To qualify for the non-profit rate, you must provide a registered charitable or non-profit number.

Black and white ad rates

Ad sizes

Ad dimensions

For-profit rates

Non-profit rates

Full page

7.125" wide by 9.125" high

$1,153 ORDER

$832 ORDER

Half-page horizontal

7.125" wide by 4.5" high

$768 ORDER

$480 ORDER

Half-page vertical

3.375" wide by 9.125" high

$768 ORDER

$480 ORDER

Quarter page

3.375" wide by 4.5" high

$447 ORDER

$319 ORDER

Colour, cover and specialty ad rates

If you are interested in colour ads, cover ads or other specialty ads, send us an email or call 519-741-2391.


  • If you require changes to your advertisement, a minimum $100 per hour design fee will apply.
  • Advertising in all four annual issues pays off! If you place the same size advertisement in all four issues each year, starting with the spring edition and ending with the winter edition, you will receive a 20 per cent discount on the winter billing.
  • We require credit card payment at the time of ad submission.

Advertising submission information

Final placement of ads depends on layout requirements (exact positioning cannot be guaranteed). Pre-determined categories are available.
You must supply an email address to receive a proof of your ad. Proofs will be sent to all advertisers to avoid errors. If we do not hear back from you by the date specified with your proof, the ad will run as it was sent to you. If you require changes to your advertisement, a minimum $100 per hour design fee will apply.

We do not accept hard copy or camera-ready artwork. Ads must be sent digitally by email to active@kitchener.ca 

Ad formats
Please make sure file is the correct dimensions. All ads inside the book at black and white. Limited, premium placement colour ads are also available.
File formats

We accept these formats for ads:

  • .pdf (with all fonts included)
  • .jpg (resolution at 300 dpi minimum)
  • .tif (resolution at 300 dpi minimum all fonts rastered)
  • .eps (with all images embedded and all fonts outlined)
  • .ai (with all images embedded and all fonts outlined)

We do not accept these formats:

  • .doc or .docx
  • .xls or .xlsx
  • .pub
  • .png 

If you prepare your ad in one of these formats, please save or export it as a .pdf or high res .jpg file before sending.

Kitchener Life

We share information with residents about some of the amazing local people, places, projects and events through Kitchener Life. Each issue features information and tips for your health, home and neighbourhood.

Submit an ad

Kitchener Life is an eight-page newsletter and has limited advertising space.

Please contact us via email or phone at 519-783-8989 to inquire about availability.

2025 deadlines and distribution dates

We distribute Kitchener Life four times a year. Find the ad deadlines and distribution dates below:


  • Ads due February 6, delivered to homes March 13


  • Ads due May 8, delivered to homes June 12


  • Ads due August 5, delivered to homes September 11


  • Ads due November 6, delivered to homes December 11

Ad rates

You can purchase the following ads in Kitchener Life. All ads are in full colour. Prices do not include HST.

Type of adSpecsCost

Full page

10.375” wide x 13.63” high

$2,638 ORDER

Half page

10.375” wide x 6.75” high

$1,376 ORDER

Big Box

6.875” wide x 6.75” high

$1,143 ORDER


10.375” wide x 3.3” high

$687 ORDER

Impact - horizontal

6.875” wide x 3.3” high

$516 ORDER

Impact - vertical

3.375” wide x 6.75” high

$516 ORDER


3.375” wide x 3.3” high

$401 ORDER