If you need to request an alteration to our sanitary or stormwater system, find the process and application below.

On this page:

  1. About this process
  2. Types of alterations
  3. When to request an alteration
  4. When you don’t need to request an alteration
  5. What you need for your application
  6. Submit your application
  7. After you apply
  8. Resources

About this process

Under the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP), we can approve certain Environmental Compliance Approvals (ECAs) to the Consolidated Linear Infrastructure (CLI). Our CLI ECA approval process covers most alterations that meet the preauthorized MECP requirements for the entire municipal sewage collection system and stormwater management system owned and operated by the City of Kitchener.

Development projects no longer need to submit individual pipe-by-pipe MECP applications for future alterations; however, will need to make sure they:

  • are built following MECP design criteria
  • meet the requirements as defined in the CLI ECA
  • satisfy other provincial and municipal approved conditions

Depending on your project, you may still need to apply for an individual ECA from the MECP or submit an application for a CLI ECA alteration with the Region of Waterloo.

Types of alterations

There are two types of alterations related to CLI ECA applications:

  • sanitary (sewage) collection system: all connected sewage collection works within the City of Kitchener and owned and/or operated by the City of Kitchener including pumping stations and pipes
  • stormwater management system: all connected stormwater management works within the City of Kitchener and owned and/or operated by the City of Kitchener, including pipes, stormwater management facilities, and Low Impact Development (LID) infrastructure

When to request an alteration

You need to request a CLI ECA alteration for the following types of projects:

  • changing, replacing or extending sanitary sewers and storm sewers, including extensions into new residential developments
  • changes that are on city-owned property that includes parks and community centres serving a single parcel of land
  • adding new sewage pumping stations or changing existing sewage pumping stations
  • adding new stormwater management facilities or changing existing facilities (examples: wet pond, infiltration basins, engineered wetlands, oil grit separators)
  • adding new or changing existing equipment with emissions to air (examples: emergency power generators or venting for odour control) related to sanitary and storm sewers, sewage pumping stations and/or stormwater management facilities

If you have any questions if your project will need CLI ECA alteration, send us an email.

When you don’t need to request an alteration

You don’t need to apply for a CLI ECA alteration for privately owned sewage works on industrial, institutional or commercial land.

For these projects, you may still need an individual ECA from the MECP, a building permit or a site alteration permit.

What you need for your application

You must include the following information in your application:

Cover letter

All cover letter submissions must include the following requirements at a minimum:

  • applicant information (legal name and address)
  • agent or consultant information (name, title, and address)
  • project Information and description (subdivision number, plan number, project name, municipal address, facility ID number, etc.)
  • City of Kitchener planning and/or engineering contact information
  • identify and list the documents included in the submission

If you are requesting both Alterations to the Sewage Collection and Stormwater Management System, you must submit separate application packages including cover letters.

Complete MECP forms

Open the accordions below to find links to the MECP forms you need for your application.

Electronic signatures are accepted and preferred.

Sewage collection system alterations

Download and complete the applicable MECP forms:

Please include this information:

  • the City of Kitchener ECA number is 019-W601
  • provide specific project information and indicate appropriate supporting documentation
  • provide verification by a Licensed Engineering Practitioner with their PEO license number 
Stormwater management system alterations

Download and complete the applicable MECP forms:

Please include this information:

  • the City of Kitchener ECA number is 019-S701
  • provide specific project information and indicate appropriate supporting documentation
  • provide verification by a Licensed Engineering Practitioner with their PEO license number 

Application fee

We collect application fees under our 2024 user fees:

  • sanitary (sewage) sewers (adding, changing, replacing or extending): $3,120
  • storm sewers (adding, changing, replacing or extending): $3,120

These fees are also applicable, depending on your application:

  • sanitary appurtenance (examples: odour and corrosion control, etc.), including adding, changing, replacing or extending: $3,120 for each appurtenance
  • sewage pumping station or forcemain, including adding, changing, replacing or extending: $6,240 for each facility or forcemain
  • storm appurtenance (examples: LID, oil grit separators, flow control, exfiltration piping etc.), including adding, modifying, replacing or extending: $3,120 for each appurtenance
  • stormwater management facilities (examples: dry or wet pond, engineered wetlands, etc.), including adding, changing, replacing or extending: $6,240 for each facility
  • CLI ECA application amendment for MECP review: $1,040

Before you submit your payment, please send us an email to confirm your applicable fees.

We will begin processing your application (see review timelines) after we receive your application fee.

Please make cheques payable to “The City of Kitchener – SSU”, quoting the site information (project name, property address, and/or owner’s name).

Supporting documents

Open the accordions below to find the files that must be included in your submission.

All submissions

All submissions must include digital copies of the items outlined below as applicable:

  • project design brief including existing conditions, description of proposed works, and approximate project schedule
  • confirmation of previous issued ECA(s)
  • final engineered stamped detailed drawings, typical sections plan, drainage area, grading, and profile drawings
  • associated technical documents and reports (example: hydrogeological and geotechnical reports, etc.)
  • detailed technical specifications for all proposed works (if not show on drawings)
  • MECP Pipe Data Form (PIBS 6238e) and supporting documentation
  • source protection supplementary document (including mitigation measures if applicable)
  • list of design criteria exceptions, which should include:
    • MECP - Design Criteria for Sanitary Sewers, Storm Sewers and Forcemains for Alterations Authorized under Environmental Compliance Approval, v.1.1 July 28, 2022
    • Region of Waterloo – Design Guidelines and Supplemental Specifications for Municipal Services - February 2022
    • City of Kitchener – Development Manual – Summer 2021
  • operations and maintenance manual(s)
  • inspection and testing plans including emergency response plans
  • erosion and sediment control plans
  • identification of public consultation on the project (include summary if applicable or rationale if not required)
  • confirmation of Environmental Assessment Act requirements
  • CLI ECA Alteration Submission Checklist
  • consultation and clearance from Grand River Conservation Authority (if applicable)
  • approval or permit requirements from the City of Kitchener or Region of Waterloo (if applicable)
Sewage collection system alterations

All sewage collection system submissions must include digital copies of the items below as applicable:

  • sanitary sewers design report, design sheets and drainage area plans
  • sewage pumping station design report
  • erosion and sediment control plans
  • contingency plans for emergency and pump failure situations (if the application is for a sewage pumping station)
  • contingency plans for possible overflows (if the application involves a forcemain or siphon)
  • other reports, design sheets and plans as required or requested
Stormwater management system alterations

All stormwater management system submissions must include digital copies of the items below as applicable:

  • stormwater management plans / design report
  • stormwater management reports
  • stormwater monitoring reports and plans
  • storm sewer design report, design sheets and drainage area plans
  • stormwater pumping station design report
  • oil/grit separators design brief, calculations and manufacturers specifications
  • LID design brief and reports
  • other reports, design sheets and plans as required or requested

All reports and drawings must follow the MECP requirements (sewage, stormwater) and our standards as detailed in the site plan and subdivision application forms.

Submit your application

We require a pre-submission consultation for Full Site Plan applications, some Stamp Plan A application, and Plan of Submission applications. During the pre-submission consultant, staff will be available to discuss the requirements of sanitary and stormwater system alteration applications.

How to apply for a sanitary or stormwater system alteration
After your pre-submission consultation, follow these steps to complete the application:
Internet-connected device and printer
Collect your documents and prepare your application 
Review the application requirements and complete any required forms.
Send the application by email

Send the completed application and any attachments, including a scan of the application fee cheque, to us by email.

If your application is larger than 10 MB, please contact us to arrange for a file transfer.

Mail or courier the application to the Kitchener Operations Facility

The original, signed application forms, cover letter and cheque should be couriered as soon as possible after sending your application by email or file transfer.

Send applications to:

City of Kitchener
Sanitary and Stormwater Utilities Division
Kitchener Operations Facility
131 Goodrich Drive
Kitchener, ON
N2C 1J3

After you apply

When we get your CLI ECA application, we will review it within:

20 business days

  • sanitary and storm sewers, including adding, changing, replacing or extending

Up to 30 business days

  • sanitary appurtenances (examples: odour and corrosion control, etc.), including adding, changing, replacing or extending
  • storm appurtenances (examples: LID, oil grit separators, flow control, exfiltration piping etc.), including adding, changing, replacing or extending

Up to 40 business days

  • sewage pumping station or forcemain, including adding, changing, replacing or extending
  • stormwater management facilities (examples: dry/wet pond, engineer wetlands, etc.), including adding, modifying, replacing or extending

We will contact you if processing times are longer than those listed above.

Timeframes for re-reviews will vary depending on CLI ECA application activity levels.


These resources will help you through the different stages of the Alteration of CLI ECA application process.

If you have any questions, send us an email.