The City of Kitchener proudly presents Neighbours Day each year. This community celebration brings neighbours together to enjoy local music, summer fun, and social activities in neighbourhoods across the city. This year, Neighbours Day will be held on Saturday, June 15 from 1 to 6 p.m. 

With nearly 100 pop-up concerts planned, the City invites Kitchener residents to sign up to host a concert on their porch, driveway, or front lawn for their neighbours to enjoy. The resident provides the space and the City provides the musical entertainment! It’s that easy!  

Neighbours Day organizers will assign musicians to the concert hosts and pop-up performances will be approximately one hour each between 1 and 6 p.m. Concert hosts will be provided with postcards, lawn signs and social media toolkits to spread the word and invite their neighbours to join them. Residents are welcome to plan additional activities to complement the concerts, such as sidewalk chalk, games, food, and refreshments, or they can simply sit back and enjoy the music and the company of their neighbours.  

Learn more about Neighbours Day by watching this video:

If you are interested in applying to host a Neighbours Day concert, visit