Waterloo Region will move to Step 2 of Ontario’s Roadmap to Reopen effective 12:01 a.m. on Monday, July 12, 2021.

“Our community has made a remarkable effort to protect each other. We’re working together to push back against the Delta variant, stabilizing our case rates and hospitalizations, while increasing vaccination rates,” Dr. Hsiu-Li Wang, Medical Officer of Health. “Continuing to build on this momentum puts Waterloo Region on track not only to move to Step 2 on Monday but will help keep us on track for Step 3. As we move forward to this next stage of reopening, it is critical that we continue to follow Public Health guidance to maintain the progress we have made against the Delta variant.”

Municipalities will provide specific information on what this move to Step 2 means for their services.

As some restrictions still remain in place, this may present hardships for our community.

Residents are reminded to be mindful of feelings of isolation. If you or someone you know needs help, remember that local mental health support is available.

Local, professional mental health support is available from Here 24/7 at 1-844-437-3247.

For more information on Ontario’s Roadmap to Reopen, see the Province of Ontario website



Media contacts:

TJ Flynn, Corporate Communications, Region of Waterloo, tflynn@regionofwaterloo.ca

Shawn Falcao, Corporate Communications, City of Kitchener, Shawn.Falcao@kitchener.ca

Tony Iavarone, Corporate Communications, City of Waterloo, tony.iavarone@waterloo.ca

Susanne Hiller, Corporate Communications, City of Cambridge, hillers@cambridge.ca

Rae Ann Bauman, Township of Woolwich, rbauman@woolwich.ca 

Kelly Baird, Township of Wilmot, kelly.baird@wilmot.ca

Dawn Mittelholtz, Township of Wilmot dawn.mittelholtz@wilmot.ca

Grace Kosch, Township of Wellesley, gkosch@wellesley.ca

Michelle Poissant, Township of North Dumfries, mpoissant@northdumfries.ca