The City of Kitchener is reopening its pools, arenas, and community centres and inviting residents to return to facilities to take part in registered indoor sports and recreation programs. Visitors are encouraged to visit the city’s website for registration details and information on health and safety protocols.
Indoor pools reopen on Monday, Feb. 7, offering registered family and lane swims and self-directed aqua fitness programs with shallow, deep, and warm water options. Swimming lessons will return in the spring, with registration dates expected to be available soon. Visit the pools page to review the programs available and for more information on what to expect at city pools.
Lifeguard and swim instructor course are also being offered, including Bronze Family, National lifeguard, Swim Instructors, and standard First Aid. For information, visit the lifeguard and leadership page.
Registered family and adult skate times are now available to book at Activa Sportsplex. For more information on arenas and programming, visit the arenas page.
Community centres
Children and youth programs return the week of Feb. 14. There are many options available, including leadership development, cooking and crafting classes, dance and music lessons, and organized sports.
Older adult programming will return as of Feb. 14, with registration now open. Programming includes yoga, tai chi, line dancing, and more. Find details on our seniors page.
You can also create your own activities and book free space in gyms and meeting rooms.
To see what’s currently offered and find the centre near you, visit the community centres page.