Waterloo Region – The cities and townships of Waterloo Region have continued to work with local public health officials and the Province to clarify and interpret the provincial limits for recreation and sport in the Red-Control category of the provincial response framework. As of today, the Province has provided updated guidance on the limits for recreation facilities and community centres. Across Waterloo Region, the following will now apply:
- Indoor capacity of 10 program participants per facility, provided physical distancing can be maintained.
- Outdoor capacity of 25 program participants per space, provided physical distancing can be maintained.
- Additional coaching and training staff are permitted, limited strictly to those officially rostered with the team/athletes as identified in their provincial association’s return to play protocols, provided physical distancing can be maintained.
- No spectators permitted. Where previously allowed, one guardian per minor aged participant is permitted. Masks for guardians are mandatory, and physical distancing must be maintained.
- Aquatics classes are limited to 10 participants per class. If physical distancing can be maintained and total pool capacity remains below 30%, more than one class may be in the pool at a time.
Other previously shared requirements in the Red-Control category, including mandatory physical distancing and face coverings remain the same:
- Mandatory active screening, contact information and attendance for all patrons.
- Drop-in recreation programs (pre-registration is required) have a maximum capacity of 10 people.
- For all team sport, scrimmages and games are no longer permitted.
- Teams must adjust their programming to training and skill development only, while meeting the required maximum capacity numbers.
- No contact permitted for team or individual sports.
- Community centre room rentals for church, funeral or wedding services are limited to 30% of room capacity.
- No live performances. Rehearsal or performing a recorded or broadcasted event is permitted.
- Singers and players of brass or wind instruments must be separated from any other performers by plexiglass or other impermeable barrier.
These requirements are subject to change based on further direction and/or guidance from the Province.
For detailed information on specific recreation programs, including virtual, registered, and drop-in please check with your local municipality. Program participants encouraged to reach out to their minor sport organizations for more information, rental groups will receive direct information from their municipal contacts.
The cities and townships of Waterloo Region will continue our standardized approach in following the provincial regulations for operating recreation facilities and community centres under the new colour framework. Recreation participants and organizations are reminded to also refer to local public health guidance when engaging in activities.
Media contacts:
Bethany Rowland, City of Kitchener, bethany.rowland@kitchener.ca
Susanne Hiller, City of Cambridge, hillers@cambridge.ca
Cari Howard, City of Waterloo, cari.howard@waterloo.ca
Michelle Poissant, Township of North Dumfries, mpoissant@northdumfries.ca
Grace Kosch, Township of Wellesley, gkosch@wellesley.ca
Kelly Baird, Township of Wilmot, kelly.baird@wilmot.ca
Rae Ann Bauman, Township of Woolwich, rbauman@woolwich.ca