As required by the Province of Ontario, beginning Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2021, residents will have to provide proof of full vaccination to access certain indoor public settings and facilities like restaurants, meeting spaces, sport and recreation facilities, concerts, music festivals, theatres and more. Proof of vaccination will be checked at the point of entry to each facility, and proof will be required for each visit. Parents and guardians providing supervision for children in programs will be required to show proof of vaccination.

This will impact a variety of Kitchener facilities, including recreation centrescommunity centresCity Hall, pools, arenas, the Kitchener Market and more. 

“The province’s vaccine certificate program is an important tool to help limit the impacts of COVID-19 as we strive to return to a more normal life during the fourth wave and beyond,” said Mayor Berry Vrbanovic. “Proof of vaccination will be required at many businesses and facilities across Kitchener and the province. I encourage residents to get vaccinated if they can and please #BeKind and remain patient and respectful as we all work together to implement these new provincial rules.” 

The following proof of vaccine exemptions apply:   

  • Patrons entering or accessing critical services (e.g., food distribution programs, warming/cooling centres, voting, washroom use, etc.) 
  • Children under 12 years of age. 
  • Patrons under 18 years of age who are actively participating in an organized sport (e.g., sports leagues, organized pick-up sports, dance classes, martial arts, swimming classes, etc.)   
  • Coaches, officials and volunteers involved in the activity or program. 
  • Patrons with a documented medical exemption. 

Read on for detail on how Kitchener facilities will be impacted. 

Indoor pools, arenas, recreation facilities & community centres 

Beginning September 22, all patrons entering an indoor municipal recreation facility or community centre will be required to provide proof of full vaccination along with identification except for the exemptions noted. Visit to download your proof of vaccination. 

Patrons are encouraged to “check before you rec” by completing health screening through sports organizations or municipal screenings and reviewing COVID-19 procedures at municipal recreation facilities before arriving. Where possible, build in extra time to allow for necessary screening and vaccine verification when visiting municipal recreation facilitiesSpectators of organized sport, who are eligible to receive a vaccine, will be required to show proof of vaccination or medical exemption to enter. 

Kitchener Market 

Kitchener Market food vendors are considered a critical service. Patrons will not have to show proof of vaccination although those wishing to dine in the food hall will be required to show proof of vaccination when they arrive at the designated seating area. All non-critical programming and events offered at the market (e.g. cooking classes) will require proof of vaccinationexcept for the exemptions noted.  For more information visit 

City Hall 

Those visiting City Hall for critical government services (e.g. to get a business license or marriage license, apply for a permit, submit a development application, pay a bill, etc.) will not be required to show proof of vaccination. Appointments are strongly encouraged. For a list of services and to book an appointment visit 

Visitors using City Hall space for meetings or events will be required to provide proof of vaccination, except for the exemptions noted. 


Proof of vaccination will not be required for funeral services, rites, ceremonies or receptions. For more information visit  

Meeting and event space 

Those using city facilities for meeting or event space will be required to provide proof of vaccination, unless the space is being used for a critical service like childcare, social services, government services, or a religious, wedding or funeral service, rite or ceremony. Any social gathering or reception associated with weddings or funerals will require proof of vaccination.   

Kitchener Golf 

Proof of vaccination is not required for golfing, patios, pro-shop access or washroom access. Proof of vaccination is required for indoor dining at Doon Valley Golf Course. For more information visit  

Before visiting a city facility, be sure to visit our website or call ahead for more information about vaccine requirements and screening. To stay up to date on COVID-19 related changes to city operations visit 


For more information: 

Shawn Falcao,    
Manager, Corporate Communications   
City of Kitchener