Do you know an outstanding youth who strives to make their school, neighbourhood or community a better place? It’s time to recognize them with a Kitchener Youth Action Council (KYAC) Youth Award. 

Every year, the KYAC Youth Awards recognize the efforts of young people and the valuable contributions they make to our community. To be eligible, a nominee should: 

  • be between the ages of 14 and 24 
  • live in the Kitchener-Waterloo area 
  • have completed some of their volunteer work or community contributions within the Kitchener community 

Nominations are now open with thirteen award categories to choose from, including leadership, entrepreneurship, social justice, environmental stewardship, arts and culture, sport and recreation, personal triumph, and more. In addition, the Youth Ally Award, recognizes an adult over the age of 24 who works with youth as a mentor or support. 

By nominating a young person for a KYAC Youth Award, you acknowledge their gifts and contributions and their commitment to the community. A nomination shows them that the work they do is noticed, valued and appreciated.  

The deadline for submission is April 1, 2024. The KYAC Youth Awards will be presented at a celebration event on May 8, during National Youth Week. 

For more information, or to nominate a youth, visit