On Oct. 1, Kitchener’s Senior of the Year, Donny Hishon, was announced as a recipient of the Provincial Senior Achievement Award. The Ontario Senior Achievement Awards recognizes older adults over the age of 65 who have made outstanding contributions to their communities through voluntary or professional activities. Donny was recognized alongside 14 other exceptional seniors for his over 17 years of community service, during which time he served as the lead facilitator for Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings at the Grand Valley Institution for Women. He also volunteered with reintegration programs to help female offenders prepare for a better future and trains new volunteers.
Earlier this year, Donny was named Kitchener’s 2021 Senior of the year in recognition of his volunteerism and his valuable contributions to the Kitchener community. During his many years of service with the Grand Valley Institute for Women, Donny dedicated his time and efforts to helping women who have been incarcerated overcome challenges in their lives, providing them with opportunities to continue their important roles as community members, caretakers, mothers and more.
Sadly, Donny passed away on Sept. 30, at the age of 78. Before his passing, Donny received a framed citation from Ontario’s Lieutenant Governor honouring this recognition. Recipients of the award were recognized by Ontario's Lieutenant Governor during a virtual ceremony on Friday, Oct. 1. Donny’s family intends to celebrate his legacy of service and this special achievement on his behalf.
To learn more about the Ontario Senior Achievement Award, read the full release and backgrounder.