KITCHENER – As part of Kitchener’s commitment to provide welcoming community spaces and programs, the City of Kitchener has begun a pilot to provide free menstrual products in City-operated facilities.

Washrooms in The Aud, Chandler-Mowat Community Centre, Victoria Hills Community Centre, Breithaupt Centre, Lyle Hallman Pool, Activa Sportsplex, and Kitchener City Hall will be equipped with menstrual products that visitors can use free of charge.

“Access to free hygienic products is an issue of menstrual equity,” said Ward 10 Councillor Sarah Marsh. “Ensuring that our facilities and programming are accessible means working to overcome all potential barriers facing people who wish to engage with the City’s services and programs.”

The products that will be available are tampons and pads. Depending on the facility, they will either be in coin-free dispensers or on stainless steel trays.

“I’m proud to support this pilot project. It will make sure all women can access the products they need,” said Ward 2 Councillor Dave Schnider. “While the City tests the best way to supply hygiene products in our facilities, I encourage visiting to learn why so many organizations are starting to provide free access to menstrual products.”

“City staff work with partners to negotiate a favourable rate for the menstrual products,” said Infrastructure Services General Manager, Denise McGoldrick. “We estimate the cost of the pilot project to be less than $5,000, which we can accommodate in our existing custodial budget through cost savings elsewhere. This is another example of how short-term pilot projects can give council the information needed to make informed, evidence-based decisions about the services we provide to Kitchener residents.”

The pilot will run for six months and will be used to assess the extent to which free products are used, the cost of the service and the logistics involved.


To schedule an interview please contact:

Stu Gooden
Communications and Marketing Associate
519-741-2600 x 7547