Kitchener -- Today, Environics presented the findings of a demographically representative survey of Kitchener residents’ perspective on regional government review to Kitchener City Council. The survey was conducted following a resolution passed by council in April to seek citizen input on the issue. The Environics results showed that:
- Generally, residents express confidence in the current state of representation in Kitchener. They feel well served by the current political representation, that their interests are well represented by the two-tier system and they derive value for the taxes they pay to both tiers of municipal government.
- There are small pockets of evidence of a limited appetite for some changes to the two-tier system.
- Small majorities of residents express interest in one set of councillors representing residents at both city and regional councils and that a larger government could result in improved service delivery.
- Comfort with the current system translates into confidence that existing representation can best deliver important services and community character.
- Amalgamation challenges the current structure when considering competing globally for business and talent.
The full summary of the Environics report to Kitchener Council is also available below.
Environics Research Group, a leading national research firm completed the survey from April 17-29. Over 600 residents of the City of Kitchener were interviewed to gather insight on citizens’ opinions on the regional review. The margin of error was 4+/- at 95% confidence.
These results will be shared with both the province and special advisors in the coming weeks, and will inform our conversations during consultations on the review.
Kitchener is one of only a few municipalities under regional review that has undertaken a statistically valid survey to represents the community it serves.
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