KITCHENER – City council passed a resolution for a one-year pilot project that permits parking on the paved portion of a boulevard (driveway between the sidewalk and the road) in Wards 1-4 and Wards 6-10 from now until March 31, 2019.

“In 2014 council approved parking on the boulevard in Ward 5 which has helped address concerns with limited parking in neighbourhoods,” says Gloria MacNeil, director of bylaw enforcement. “Allowing parking on boulevards during the winter months reduces the number of vehicles parked on roadways which helps our operations crews clear the roads, and keeps pedestrians and cars safe.”

There are some areas where boulevard parking is not applicable as there is not enough space for vehicles to park. The following standards outline where parking on the boulevard can occur:
• Vehicles, if parked parallel to the road, must be facing the direction of travel.
• Vehicles must not park on the landscaped or hardscaped portion of the boulevard or access the paved portion of the boulevard by driving over landscaped, or hardscaped portions of the boulevard.
• The vehicle must be fully encompassed on the paved portion of the boulevard.
• All tires must be fully on the hard surface.
• No part of the vehicle can overhang the sidewalk or the curb/road edge.
• Residents with abutting driveways must not overhang the projection of the property line.
• No boulevard parking will be permitted within 15 metres of an intersection.
• Only driveways providing access to single family, semi- detached and street fronting townhouses are applicable.

Learn more about Kitchener’s parking regulations.


Erin Power

Communications and Marketing Associate | Corporate Communications and Marketing | City of Kitchener
519-741-2200 ext.7547| TTY 1-866-969-9994 |