KITCHENER – Yesterday, Council received staff’s three-year update of the activities associated with the Love My Hood neighbourhood strategy, referring permanent funding to take this program beyond 2019, to the 2020 budget process. With its resident-led, city supported vision, the strategy gives residents the tools, resources, and guidance they need to make improvements to their neighbourhoods and become more connected to their neighbours.
“Kitchener residents have embraced Love My Hood as a source of community connectedness and belonging,” said Councillor Margaret Johnston “By the end of 2019, we expect over 110 resident groups, in 46 neighbourhoods across the city will have benefitted from this unique approach to community building. Council’s decision today sets us up to approve the funding necessary so more resident groups will get the support they need to continue working together to strengthen our neighbourhoods.”
Council approved funding for the strategy in 2017 for implementation over a three-year term. By the end of 2019, Love My Hood will have empowered over 400 Kitchener residents to take the lead on over 90 neighbourhood projects, with city support. Projects supported by the strategy include:
- Tunnel Vision (reVITALEYESed) in Resurrection Park
- Wisahkotewinowak Maple Syrup Celebration in Huron Natural Area and Uniroyal Goodrich Park
- Sunday Evening Concerts in Pioneer Park
- North Six Farmers Market at the Chandler Mowat Community Centre
- Love Your Lakeside Community Recycling in Lakeside Park
- Thomas Slee Seating Project in Doon South
- Girls Soccer Program for Somali Youth in Forest Heights and Sandhills
- Math Wall in Morrison Park
- Midtown Radio Project
By the end of this year, Love My Hood will also have been the catalyst for 98 neighbourhood events, six resident-led traffic-calming projects, seven public art projects, and nine community gardens in Kitchener.
“Over the past three years, Love My Hood has seen over 10,000 volunteer hours invested in neighbourhoods across our community,” said Councillor Christine Michaud. “Volunteerism and community engagement are at the core of the Love My Hood vision. Dedicated volunteers brought the strategy to life in 2017 and the passion and commitment of community volunteers will ensure its continued success well into the future.”
A diverse project team of city staff and volunteers first developed the strategy over the course of 18 months and through nearly 1,000 hours of meetings. The project team led the city’s largest and most inclusive community engagement process, where over 5,000 community members participated in surveys, workshops, neighbourhood parties and other activities.
In 2017, the city launched the website as a source of information and inspiration for residents interested in leading neighbourhood projects. Step-by-guides and toolkits for various neighbourhood projects are accessible to residents, in addition to a blog highlighting resident project stories and an interactive map to help residents to locate projects across the city. The site also offers information on available grants and contact details for staff to further support residents’ vision for their neighbourhoods.
For More Information:
Marissa LaBianca
Communications and Marketing Associate
City of Kitchener
519-741-2200 x7191