IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR KITCHENER RESIDENTS: City Declares Snow Event Starting at 11:59 p.m. on Feb. 11 - Residents to Remove Cars from Streets by Midnight or Risk Being Ticketed and Towed

KITCHENER -- Based on credible forecast information, the City of Kitchener has declared an official Snow Event. Residents have until 11:59 p.m. tonight, Monday, Feb. 11, 2019to remove their parked cars from city streets or risk receiving an $80 ticket and being towed at the owner's expense. The parking ban will remain in effect for 24 hours - until 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2019.

Notification will be given in advance of that time as to whether or not the city will cancel the Snow Event or extend it for another 24 hours. That decision will be made based on weather conditions and credible forecasts.

Tag-and-Tow Bylaw:

To help city crews clear all streets of snow within 24 hours of the storm ending, under the city's "tag-and-tow" bylaw residents are prohibited from parking their cars on city streets at any time when a Snow Event has been declared by the city. Snow Events are declared when the city anticipates a significant amount of snow to accumulate.

For up to date information on Snow Events, residents should visit to join the city’s Snow Event email distribution list where they will receive a direct email when the city declares future Snow Events and when Snow Events are extended or declared over; follow us on Facebook at or on twitter @citykitchener.

Residents who suspect their car has been towed should call 519-741-2345 to find out where their car has been relocated.

Enforcement of the Tag-and-Tow Bylaw:

During Snow Events, City of Kitchener bylaw enforcement staff will be asked to attend locations where parked vehicles are impeding snow-removal equipment from clearing the street. Enforcement staff will assess the situation and may ticket and tow some of the vehicles on the street to help the plows remove snow from that street.

Vehicles will not be ticketed and towed based on calls from the public.

Enforcement will only tow the number of vehicles necessary to allow the snow-removal equipment to do its job. It is possible that only a certain number of vehicles on a street will be removed, regardless of how many are actually present and in violation of the bylaw. In the event that some, but not all, vehicles are towed away, the remaining vehicles found in violation will be ticketed.

Vehicles will be ticketed and relocated to another area in close proximity when it is possible and practical to do so. Vehicles will be towed at the owners' expense.



Erin Power

Communications and Marketing Associate | Corporate Communications and Marketing | City of Kitchener
519-741-2200 ext.7547| TTY 1-866-969-9994 |